How to transfer Grameenphone, Banglalink, Robi & Airtel Balance?

We need to transfer balance from one SIM to another for various reasons. Because sometimes Flexiload's store can't be found, that's why we need to transfer the balance. Today we will learn how to transfer balance.

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Grameenphone  balance transfer:

 You can transfer a minimum of 50 to 100 ৳ each time.

 To register: 

Dial * 121 * 1500 # then press 1 

To transfer balance:

 Dial * 121 * 1500 # and press 2 & follow the instructions.

 To change PIN:

 Dial * 121 * 1500 # then press 3 & Follow the instructions.

Banglalink balance transfer:

 All Banglalink prepaid customers can transfer balance to other prepaid customers.  One month after launching SIM for new SIM. 

 First you need to register: 

Dial * 1000 # ⇒ Balance Transfer ⇒ Generate PIN: New PIN: (pop-up message will come) “You have successfully set your PIN” Diameter is your registration. Now save the new PIN given above because you need the PIN to transfer the balance.

To transfer balance:

 Dial * 1000 # ⇒ Balance Transfer > Enter your PIN> Enter Recipient Number >Enter Account number >send 

How to change the PIN?  

Dial * 1000 # ⇒ Change PIN > Enter current PIN > Enter new pin.

 A maximum of 500 ৳ can be transferred in one day and a maximum of 1000 ৳ can be transferred in a month. Thanks to this you will be able to transfer for free without any charge fromrupe balance.

Robi  balance transfer:

To transfer balance of Robi SIM, use My robi app. open my robi app, click on balance transfer option from side bar, transfer balance or dial * 123 * 4 #

Airtel  balance transfer:

To transfer balance to Airtel SIM, you can open my airtel app and transfer balance by clicking on the Balance Transfer option from the side bar menu. Or dial * 1212 #

skitto balance transfer:

For balance transfer in Skitto SIM, enter the skitto app and you can transfer balance from the menu sidebar to the balance transfer option.

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